Friday, March 29, 2013

Com-part-mental Case...Stand up for comedy.

My sister has called me out to take up some stand up comedy, and I just wonder if anyone is really ready for me to humorize the horrors this blog rails against regularly.

I'm sure my mind would not mind a good clearing of all the material collecting over these almost 50 years of life.

That is true, I have a lot of stories which are usually quite

Being a mental case who recently returned from a stay at the Hotel Aurora bore my ass off, I am considering that I had a strong attraction to the idea.

My recent foray into CODE talk, I have wondered if there are those who will get my humor. Recently my cousin told me she was concerned I was talking my new language code.

I had hoped they would ignore it, and just get what they get. lol

My good friend who hung up the phone while I was early practicing the metaphor/pun/rhyme time, asked me if I was going to begin again.  Now she misses the depth, I must seem boring again.

It's the irony, regular kind, but I guess we will see.

My Sis and her  Video?

On the surface, I'm a language lazy type of writer. But put me in the metaphor department and I'm a shopaholic.

I guess it's time to measure the comedy circuit and find out if it's ready for me....

Competition is not an energy I revel in, but I'm willing to dump or unload some of this dust covering my bowl.

Let's see...

My sis predicts the bay area will have an earthquake, is she a Nostradamas of the new age?

She also has strict rules for English speakers if you want to check out her opinion page of Youtube vids.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

FRom AMnesiA to Allzheimers: What the hell was that?

I've wondered for a while, that we seem to come to this world with amnesia, nothing but an empty brain?

WE have no idea where or how we got here.

Then we go thru life, battling memories, habits, spoon fed instructions, and then we are all losing that information as alzheimers is the next memory eraser.

So, what can we expect to know? Our experiences, just faded memories, and then we use our memory problems to avoid responsibility for unpleasant things.

"No, I don't remember that happening."

Even if the other person has some record of events, for which there is some certainty, this person with the memory gets dissed for being so damn stubborn.

"I think you have mistaken something," or "I have no idea, but whatever you say," are usually the responses.

I would be glad to join the gang of memory bangers. How can I lose this memory so that I can live in this beautiful world, of glorious generosity, compassion?

Psych meds are on my menu, and hopefully, I can get more that will make me normal.

Laura Hart, or who knows, I can't remember my own name. lol

Monday, March 11, 2013

BRidgiN the Division Between ATOM AND EVE.....

Women, and history is our time this month. lol

WE are quite a group of wonderful people, who want only to family, and friends, the world around us. Good stuff, though we have been tormented a bit too much, we are hearts of gold, who continue to be leaders, even when they are continually told it's a n uphill battle.

WEll, battle that axe, as we are a nation of women, a full plate on the table of feeding life it's best stuff. Mothers are lovers and how we share this is our gifts.

May we use our new perspective as the leaders, not the tossed, dumbed down, blondes, of yesteryear, of sex symbology, and we bring our full monty to this endeavor.

Openly, I'll tell you, in my life of Unaccepted behaviors, I was told, I was not okay, as I was not a male or even a female. In the middle I rose to my own region of being woman, and hearing me roar. lol

My life saw it's time of the lowest totem on the pole, as a woman, I was not of this higher marky, I was the lower. So, I fought the rumors, that I was less.

Celebrate your female trail of amazing, awesome, history. It's yours.

Men, have yet to get the set up, and would hold their own, as a competitor, rather than united, in the sexual harassment of each other.

Set it down, let it go, as we are EQUALIZED, and the Prequel is the section of the erection of a new symbol.

Ovaries and Uterus, are the natural setting. THen the fall out becomes a penis, a scrotum, not a totem, and the origins needs a reputation of change.

Those who suffer the Fallic syndrome, hang on, there's more to this story, than a thin ego.

Women's HIstory Month, let's make history.....Together.

Laura Hart----The Bipolar AMerican