Karma: Murphy's laws continued.....
The times are tough to keep the balances, as our Karma calls, and we need to HEED this call.
As the change, yes, we are all in "Man" o- pause, sweeps us up it's important to recognize this is the UltimatE in Control. Karma.
So, Chameleons, you are about to see the true colors of each other.
Freud will cause you to slip the truth, leak it's contents, so it's best to be a PREPPY PREPPER in order to keep in Step.
Lose your fear, cough up a fear ball kitty, use oil to loosen and get it Gone. Ack!
Picture some scales, lol, and I mean weigh in on our consciences, where have we left ourselves open for Murphy to pick up and dump the load on top of our current load. Don't get over loaded, is the point.
IN your eyes......
Look into eyes, what do you see? In the mirror is their magic? Or has your king-dumb come instead?
There are "Others" whose form so ignored, that we the ignorant, must make time for a few glances their way.
Your pet?
Or your equal?
How do you treat your slaves? Slaves, yes Knaves, you keep slaves.
You decide.
We are seeing some interesting behavior in the AMinNal Kingdom. Birds on HI
HIgh flying up in flocks, in apparent fun and frolic. They are awaking too!
The rocks, the inanimate, may surprise you soon....Don't be surprised as this party has not even gotten started yet. There is more, but Whispers, then notes, then some solos, and we are hitting it on high...
Murphy's final solution could be a karma weapon of mass misery, don't be miserable, be honest, be courageous, be everything you know you are...
I don't recommend the Road where one may BRown Nose, Murphy, turning on their own kind.
Be one of "Mayan" kind, and remember, we are victims of victims of victims of victims and your glass house will not withstand the Opera singers, your shattered remains a day a way. lol Forgiveness.
But do persist, it's a powerful tool. Let truth be the guide, compassion the compass, and you won't get lost, or too lost anyway :)
And when all can fail and it does, Sing. YOu don't have vocal chords, tap it out. You have options, never surrounded, never surrender.
"I'm singing in the rain, just singing in the rain, what a glorious feeling, I'm happy again, I"m dancing on clouds so High up above, I've got a song in my heart, I'm read-dee for love...Let the stormy clouds chase, everyone from the place, Come on with the RAin I"ve a smile on my face! I'll walk down the lane in happy refrain, cause I'm singing, Just Singing in the RAin!"
TRy it out. Sing in the RAin, No umbrella required.
Good luck, much affection........Laura Attlast
Will the truth set us free? No,it only opens the door. We all must DECIDE to walk out...or in. Even tripping over the welcome mat counts. Experimental Writing and "utter" nonsense...
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
MURPY'S LAW one of many tactical contrivances which keep us SMALL, WEAK, CONFUSED, CONTAINED, ADDICTED.
2009: Hero Complex....REPLAY
Looking back, following the clues forward, as I begin to BELIEVE more in my own truth, and less reliant on outside sources for energy.
It's a time line that has a few bends and curves, but it's a persistent seeker of better times who make it to the top of that mountain.
I've got gear, and am climbing, a vine would envy ascent or growth.
Most certainly I send my best regards to all who climb fences which have kept us separated from who we are, our history, our higher impulses.
Laura Attlast
Rabbit hole in the wall gang
Looking back, following the clues forward, as I begin to BELIEVE more in my own truth, and less reliant on outside sources for energy.
It's a time line that has a few bends and curves, but it's a persistent seeker of better times who make it to the top of that mountain.
I've got gear, and am climbing, a vine would envy ascent or growth.
Most certainly I send my best regards to all who climb fences which have kept us separated from who we are, our history, our higher impulses.
Laura Attlast
Rabbit hole in the wall gang
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Good luck to us all
Thank God, I have another blog where I can come to and write what's on
my mind. This has been a crazy, emotional week, beginning to even
describe it will be difficult.
After so long, being ill, stressed out, and generally disagreeable, I've kind of hit the floor again. Crying; lots of it this week.
I guess I'm growing up whether I like it or not.
People are fucked, the system is fucked, and why I ever thought it wasn't supposed to be that way is beyond me. I guess parents, teachers, government, religion, philosophy, psychology, theologies, had me thinking that there could be some intelligence, fairness in this world.
Stupidly, I thought people were real and authentic, and that deep down they really cared. What I've learned is deep down they are really scared.
Scared to be who they are and frightened to death that they might slip and be normal, fuck ups like the rest of us already know we are.
I know I have some fantasy world I live, not live in, but actually live. It's the one where people are more like me: not afraid to tell the truth, unembarrassed to be themselves, trying to be better and learn. Willing to admit to the truth, and more than anything else to stick to the truth, whether its painful or not.
Yeah, the great Pollyanna. The hero complex and all the rest.
I tried to live my ideals. Then I found out that by doing this, by being free to be me, I have upset the apple cart.
It's been a lifetime's worth of "I really respect you and like you," but could you change this long list of things about yourself so you don't scare me so much.
My early life was all about lies and deceit. Whether anyone in my family will ever admit to their own complicity and denial, is really unlikely. It's hard to watch people do the same things year after year until they fucking die.
But because I have some weird issue about the truth, I spent my life arguing, debating and fighting. Gee, things have really changed.
I remember the gossip mills from my childhood. Hell it was right there in my own house. Grossly flawed people judging other people about their race, religion, jobs, weight, height, color of their hair, the way they spoke, it didn't seem to matter, they just wanted to feel better about themselves by taking down others. (loserville)
I watched this for years. So, in my tiny child mind, I deduced that I didn't particularly care for this sort of mindset, and set out about finding my own. But I had to fight through the morass to get to my own situation, which is far from good, but the best I could do.
The past never goes away, we all have so many things that hurt us, and we think, "oh, if I don't think about it, it will be all right." And others who won't stop thinking about the past events yet will never do anything to actively try to change it.
Bitching and complaining, but no ovaries/balls to do anything about it.
I can't help but remember a short term job I had in an office situation. For one looonnnnngggg year, I heard everyone talking about all the negative issues within the office. My hours suck; my desk is in a corner, the boss is an idiot, the managers treat us like children, the system is inconvenient and on and on.
Not thinking I would be there very long, I didn't engage these things, and just made the best of my situation. Which tended to piss everyone off. Yes, I can have fun doing anything, pretty much.
Then the day came when they asked me to join them in a meeting with upper management. These weaklings sat there in front of the top dog, and put their noses between there paws and didn't say a thing.
The room was full of fear. The manager sensed it and began to placate everyone rather than actually problem solve.
Immediately I became irritated with the situation. Suddenly, I was talking, and giving it a good go. There's not too many who could have kept up with me in an argument in my younger days. And this day would be no exception.
After I castrated the managers for two hours, we all left the meeting. Like a flock of frightened fowl, these employees, circled around me, eyes agog, and said, "wow."
I dissed all of them. I said I have been listening to all of you cry and moan about your situations, and when you had the chance to share your opinion and have your voice heard, you sat there.
They said, yeah, but you did great. I left the job immediately, these were not the people I mesh with.
Honestly, I don't know who I mesh with. I have very good friends who have known me for years, and they had to learn to accept me, for all that I am and am not.
This week I am a wreck. Emotionally twisted into a ball. Conflicted in every way.
Why, because I do believe if you fight for right, you will win. That's plain idiocy. Justice is a roll of the dice. It won't balance out in the end.
That's what I have to learn. I'm involved in a situation where a lot of people were hurt, including myself. What people don't know about me except my close friends, is that I'm really a kind person who only wants to do the right thing.
Other people from the outside see me as "cocky" "smartass" who thinks she knows it all.
Let me let you in on my side of that widespread opinion. I am my worst critic. I will give everyone else a break before I will take mine, if I ever do.
And recently, I decided to pray in public, which apparently caused alarm amongst the audience who heard it. So, I'm assuming my reputation has escalated to the "devil" herself.
Fuck you all for thinking I'm not in constant contact with God. I ask for guidance in all matters. I realize I know nothing, and that anything I do seem to know comes from the creator of this life.
I don't think I'm better than anybody else. Quite frankly, I often think that I am somehow lower than everyone else. But I've worked on that self esteem issue and try to realize my place in this world.
Self esteem, that's another interesting thing I've learned about with other people this week. Sadly, I see wonderful people who don't know how great they are hiding in the background of life. You can't convince people they are very important to the universe, each of us has to find that place on our own.
Then the others I most likely will fight with, are the people who are so weak on the inside that they have to put up a huge front and they are rather aggressive when you touch those tender buttons. They will lie to protect their facade, attack to keep you out of their weak areas, and everything they say will just be a reaction. Not an action, of the will. A response like a single celled organism.
My other blog is full of sarcasm, humor, showmanship, but that is a tool, it is not me. I learned it well though.
It's my invisible sword. Words are my missiles, and they have hit many targets. Some of it was friendly fire, regrettably so, but we can all learn from what makes us tick or freak.
A friend of mine asked me a question and that was, "are you happy." I had recently arrived home from another horrific medical experience and couldn't remember anything else she said.
While I took my respite to heal up, I realized I was angry about the question. Then I thought I was angry with my friend. When I stopped resisting the feelings, suddenly the answer came.
"Yes, this is what makes me happy." I called her to tell her about my answer, she hadn't really thought about it again, but I did.
We got into a long discussion about happiness, and I realized, not just intellectualized, I knew that I am becoming what I was supposed to become. What was on the back of my seed packet. "Needs partial sunlight, water and feed regularly."
Happiness is the underlying acceptance that it comes from within, not from outside sources. So many people can't or won't let themselves be happy until they have enough money, look better on the outside, have a great job, or whatever needs we use to put off being happy.
I think its more of an acceptance of all of life.
At this moment, I accept that there's a battle about to ensue, and that I will do my best to take it on. I'll do it by God's direction, and whatever happens will be what was meant to happen.
I'm learning. I'm mad at the world, but that is the stupid part, as I am my world.
Well that was wild rant. Fuck yeah. I'm afraid for my readers, because I'm wound up now. I'll try to post a warning: Rant in progress. Maybe not, you can figure it out for yourselves.
Trust is the next issue. I'm so conflicted in that area right now. It could be my lifelong issue in fact. I suppose we all go through it. But I'm sitting on documents for court and I don't know what to do but kick a chair or slam things around.
I've not been crying for myself this week, I've cried for others. Prayed that they make good decisions, that they learn, and that when the dust settles we will all come out of this thing stronger than ever before.
Good luck to us all.
After so long, being ill, stressed out, and generally disagreeable, I've kind of hit the floor again. Crying; lots of it this week.
I guess I'm growing up whether I like it or not.
People are fucked, the system is fucked, and why I ever thought it wasn't supposed to be that way is beyond me. I guess parents, teachers, government, religion, philosophy, psychology, theologies, had me thinking that there could be some intelligence, fairness in this world.
Stupidly, I thought people were real and authentic, and that deep down they really cared. What I've learned is deep down they are really scared.
Scared to be who they are and frightened to death that they might slip and be normal, fuck ups like the rest of us already know we are.
I know I have some fantasy world I live, not live in, but actually live. It's the one where people are more like me: not afraid to tell the truth, unembarrassed to be themselves, trying to be better and learn. Willing to admit to the truth, and more than anything else to stick to the truth, whether its painful or not.
Yeah, the great Pollyanna. The hero complex and all the rest.
I tried to live my ideals. Then I found out that by doing this, by being free to be me, I have upset the apple cart.
It's been a lifetime's worth of "I really respect you and like you," but could you change this long list of things about yourself so you don't scare me so much.
My early life was all about lies and deceit. Whether anyone in my family will ever admit to their own complicity and denial, is really unlikely. It's hard to watch people do the same things year after year until they fucking die.
But because I have some weird issue about the truth, I spent my life arguing, debating and fighting. Gee, things have really changed.
I remember the gossip mills from my childhood. Hell it was right there in my own house. Grossly flawed people judging other people about their race, religion, jobs, weight, height, color of their hair, the way they spoke, it didn't seem to matter, they just wanted to feel better about themselves by taking down others. (loserville)
I watched this for years. So, in my tiny child mind, I deduced that I didn't particularly care for this sort of mindset, and set out about finding my own. But I had to fight through the morass to get to my own situation, which is far from good, but the best I could do.
The past never goes away, we all have so many things that hurt us, and we think, "oh, if I don't think about it, it will be all right." And others who won't stop thinking about the past events yet will never do anything to actively try to change it.
Bitching and complaining, but no ovaries/balls to do anything about it.
I can't help but remember a short term job I had in an office situation. For one looonnnnngggg year, I heard everyone talking about all the negative issues within the office. My hours suck; my desk is in a corner, the boss is an idiot, the managers treat us like children, the system is inconvenient and on and on.
Not thinking I would be there very long, I didn't engage these things, and just made the best of my situation. Which tended to piss everyone off. Yes, I can have fun doing anything, pretty much.
Then the day came when they asked me to join them in a meeting with upper management. These weaklings sat there in front of the top dog, and put their noses between there paws and didn't say a thing.
The room was full of fear. The manager sensed it and began to placate everyone rather than actually problem solve.
Immediately I became irritated with the situation. Suddenly, I was talking, and giving it a good go. There's not too many who could have kept up with me in an argument in my younger days. And this day would be no exception.
After I castrated the managers for two hours, we all left the meeting. Like a flock of frightened fowl, these employees, circled around me, eyes agog, and said, "wow."
I dissed all of them. I said I have been listening to all of you cry and moan about your situations, and when you had the chance to share your opinion and have your voice heard, you sat there.
They said, yeah, but you did great. I left the job immediately, these were not the people I mesh with.
Honestly, I don't know who I mesh with. I have very good friends who have known me for years, and they had to learn to accept me, for all that I am and am not.
This week I am a wreck. Emotionally twisted into a ball. Conflicted in every way.
Why, because I do believe if you fight for right, you will win. That's plain idiocy. Justice is a roll of the dice. It won't balance out in the end.
That's what I have to learn. I'm involved in a situation where a lot of people were hurt, including myself. What people don't know about me except my close friends, is that I'm really a kind person who only wants to do the right thing.
Other people from the outside see me as "cocky" "smartass" who thinks she knows it all.
Let me let you in on my side of that widespread opinion. I am my worst critic. I will give everyone else a break before I will take mine, if I ever do.
And recently, I decided to pray in public, which apparently caused alarm amongst the audience who heard it. So, I'm assuming my reputation has escalated to the "devil" herself.
Fuck you all for thinking I'm not in constant contact with God. I ask for guidance in all matters. I realize I know nothing, and that anything I do seem to know comes from the creator of this life.
I don't think I'm better than anybody else. Quite frankly, I often think that I am somehow lower than everyone else. But I've worked on that self esteem issue and try to realize my place in this world.
Self esteem, that's another interesting thing I've learned about with other people this week. Sadly, I see wonderful people who don't know how great they are hiding in the background of life. You can't convince people they are very important to the universe, each of us has to find that place on our own.
Then the others I most likely will fight with, are the people who are so weak on the inside that they have to put up a huge front and they are rather aggressive when you touch those tender buttons. They will lie to protect their facade, attack to keep you out of their weak areas, and everything they say will just be a reaction. Not an action, of the will. A response like a single celled organism.
My other blog is full of sarcasm, humor, showmanship, but that is a tool, it is not me. I learned it well though.
It's my invisible sword. Words are my missiles, and they have hit many targets. Some of it was friendly fire, regrettably so, but we can all learn from what makes us tick or freak.
A friend of mine asked me a question and that was, "are you happy." I had recently arrived home from another horrific medical experience and couldn't remember anything else she said.
While I took my respite to heal up, I realized I was angry about the question. Then I thought I was angry with my friend. When I stopped resisting the feelings, suddenly the answer came.
"Yes, this is what makes me happy." I called her to tell her about my answer, she hadn't really thought about it again, but I did.
We got into a long discussion about happiness, and I realized, not just intellectualized, I knew that I am becoming what I was supposed to become. What was on the back of my seed packet. "Needs partial sunlight, water and feed regularly."
Happiness is the underlying acceptance that it comes from within, not from outside sources. So many people can't or won't let themselves be happy until they have enough money, look better on the outside, have a great job, or whatever needs we use to put off being happy.
I think its more of an acceptance of all of life.
At this moment, I accept that there's a battle about to ensue, and that I will do my best to take it on. I'll do it by God's direction, and whatever happens will be what was meant to happen.
I'm learning. I'm mad at the world, but that is the stupid part, as I am my world.
Well that was wild rant. Fuck yeah. I'm afraid for my readers, because I'm wound up now. I'll try to post a warning: Rant in progress. Maybe not, you can figure it out for yourselves.
Trust is the next issue. I'm so conflicted in that area right now. It could be my lifelong issue in fact. I suppose we all go through it. But I'm sitting on documents for court and I don't know what to do but kick a chair or slam things around.
I've not been crying for myself this week, I've cried for others. Prayed that they make good decisions, that they learn, and that when the dust settles we will all come out of this thing stronger than ever before.
Good luck to us all.
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Instant Replay...Worth another look
I'm quite a trail sniffer, looking back over scraps of information from my past in terms of relating them to my current "MENTAL pARADIGM."
"Sick in the head," "mentally ill" yes indeed, if that means I am sure that there is more to this story than has met my eyes, I am outside the comfort zone.
And getting quite cozy with my blanky out here in this zone.
But living in the dual world, is a duel with the other side of midnight, "the enemies of fun and chocolate." Back and forth it goes, tug of war, but it's a persistent nature that I continue to break free of the shackles.
Looking back over the year, so much has Accelerated, the light travels very fast, yes, to Albert Einstein. lol
Here is the instant replay, beginning at the end of my European vacation earlier this year, " A bi-polar American in London." The post also retraces this past year of footprints and breadcrumbs, when all hell broke loose, as I conceded I could not fit myself into this game of demoralizing and controlling the lives of so many. I was done, it was not worth it.
However, there was a bit of a twist that sent me quickly into this rabbit hole.
Torture as a confidence builder? There is a pattern that occurred, a boxer on the ropes, the ROPE DEE DOPE maybe? A thank you and sympathy card are in order for those who have helped me along this road with a push and shove. lol
"Sick in the head," "mentally ill" yes indeed, if that means I am sure that there is more to this story than has met my eyes, I am outside the comfort zone.
And getting quite cozy with my blanky out here in this zone.
But living in the dual world, is a duel with the other side of midnight, "the enemies of fun and chocolate." Back and forth it goes, tug of war, but it's a persistent nature that I continue to break free of the shackles.
Looking back over the year, so much has Accelerated, the light travels very fast, yes, to Albert Einstein. lol
Here is the instant replay, beginning at the end of my European vacation earlier this year, " A bi-polar American in London." The post also retraces this past year of footprints and breadcrumbs, when all hell broke loose, as I conceded I could not fit myself into this game of demoralizing and controlling the lives of so many. I was done, it was not worth it.
However, there was a bit of a twist that sent me quickly into this rabbit hole.
Torture as a confidence builder? There is a pattern that occurred, a boxer on the ropes, the ROPE DEE DOPE maybe? A thank you and sympathy card are in order for those who have helped me along this road with a push and shove. lol
Thursday, April 5, 2012
Occupying London...
Torture as a confidence builder
I'm still in London enjoying my freedom from the daily grind allowing me time for introspection. You know I was thinking tonight that my rumble with the Kern Valley Healthcare District...changed me--for the better--"The better to eat them with"... lol
The people running the hospital district probably don't realize that they created me in the first place. Had I had a satisfying experience within our healthcare district along with others, I would have gone home and rested. Never given them a second thought.
But as WE ALL NOW KNOW that's not what happened. LOL
One horribly painful adventure after another has given me some fucking confidence. I mean really, do any of you fuckers know of anyone else who they could do this to and have them get back up and smile right in their fucking faces?
No you don't. I'm an original mutherfuckers. (however, there is likely someone else out there with these same caustic qualities who may not be as nice as me--yeah, I know what you're thinking.)
You can Narcan me- make me squeal like a pig-and when I finally stop hallucinating--I fucking come back, shake your hand and take up my position as local Beefeater. Someone has to guard the health and well being of others.
And life stepped in and hit me with it's hammer which hardly deterred me or none of my friends would be concerned. I think we all know where I'm going with this confidence (see post title). However, it will be done my way.
I love the people who have come together to occupy, but I've been thinking on this for a long time, and I will have to step out on a limb and do it the "Bi-polar reporter way." It's who I fucking became through all these incredible tests.
The world needs a bad ass like me right about now. And I appear to have taken some torture this last time around at KVHD. These people played a role in our collective drama, as I needed to be put to the test where I would NEVER fucking fear anything again.
Thanks pussies.
This makes me quite scary...
Yes, people who are on the side which has overwhelmed the sense of balance in the world, (nothing more or less, let's not get too caught up in the evil paradigm) --it takes a certain kind of person, bi-polar, to tackle the conundrum.
Other people would rather compromise. Me--not so much.
There's an imbalance which will need correcting so our earth isn't overwhelmed. That's why certain people such as myself, as I'm only one of many, who have woken up-- are paying attention--and for fuck's sake actually DO SOMETHING.
When did the people in Nazi Germany decide to take action? How many people died--suffered--while everyone was politically correct and trying to be respectful- accommodating?
We can't risk the whole planet, can we?
Most people who have been ahead of their time are often in danger as the rest of the world isn't necessarily ready for the kind of shift that will be taking place. Today is no different, except that we have come to a rather final place: we can and will destroy ourselves if some major change does not occur.
I'm up to the task
Having gone thru madness--one trial after another my life required I learn--and rapidly.
When I discovered the hospital's administrative charade which used my good will to try and obtain a tax measure on the community in the valley--the unnecessary killing and drugging of elderly patients--an attempt to buy me off then a subsequent attack when that didn't work.
I learned about fear.
I was attacked by a rapist, so I learned what rape is about--the violence. I also learned I could match that violence and even one up the attacker.
I hit a bathtub with my head. I learned about life as opposed to death. It may have appeared as free choice, but that was a set up as I did not want to leave and be bored...or not be here right now.
Ten days later I stroked out, had a speech problem. I still managed to call the former CEO of KVHD and tell her the reckoning would be delayed, with only half my face operating. But I mentioned it would not stop me.
And it didn't.
The end of 2010 I had the great displeasure slamming my car door on my face during a KVHD meeting. Of course, I covered the meeting even with blood trickling down my face, unaware I had broken a tooth and damaged a second one.
I learned that I do stay focused...on certain things. lol
This lead to the use of more pain killers and subsequently several bouts of Bradycardia, or slow heart rate, like 29 beats per minute.
It also opened an opportunity for a certain asshole medical director to hit me with Narcan while I was full of opiates. This was done in a shady manner, they did not tell me they were doing this...nor was it done correctly.
I call it a doctor induced death experience as I have never felt that kind of pain. My favorite grandparents, who are dead, were at my bedside for the adventure. While I had a sensation of being cold, or freezing, starting from my chest down, I did think I was dead or dying.
The Narcan was followed by tremendous hallucinations. Mostly skulls, some were dancing with top hats, while others were in tuxedos. Fucking insane.
My life was saved by a lot of different events and people. There was so much energy to keep me going, but not only that--to help me transcend and get stronger.
I learned to laugh and own the pain.
I had a gun pointed at me, along with a very direct death threat allowed to remain published on the Kern Valley Sun (burnt), local newspaper website requesting that "someone take her out."
It did nothing but make me bristle. I told my would be killers via my blog that if they were going to shoot me they had better fucking do it right. "Wing me and you will fucking only piss me off," I wrote.
However, I did learn that some people are sleepwalkers who have no social conscience.
Then...November came last year and I could no longer take the doctor dope, nor be controlled by the drugs.
I got royally angry, foaming at the mouth mad when my doctor had me sign paperwork which she misrepresented. Then the following day my pain management doctor decided I was too early on my prescription.
My anger surged to a point that I blacked out.
I learned that I can get so angry that I can't even remember.
The whole mess seemed too much to handle, and I wanted to be dead. One thing lead to another and paramedics and police were hauling me out of my house.
I now remember why I got scared and ran to a church across from the hospital seeking harbor. The faith less people at the church sent me on my way as they didn't want to deal with a "fugitive from justice" as I was being called.
Read this blog from November 8, 2011 on and you will know what I learned from that.
Things fucking change, don't they?
It's time for me to be who I am in every single respect. At the bottom of my core I feel a tumultuous rumble of change throughout my whole being.
My faith has become strong. The universe is my cartographer, mapping out my every move. I feel very much in touch with each and every lesson.
I clearly remember the moment I woke up in jail. lol
A tray of weenies and beans came to me thru the door and I pushed it back out the door-- food dropping to the floor--much to the shock of one guard-- I was so excited to suddenly know!
But a message arrived at that moment: "Allow everyone to have their own experience."
Meaning: Don't try to change how they perceive me and the world.
I quickly apologized to the female guard and the inmate who was helping her. They both looked shocked, so I tried to play down the reason I did what I did. Oops, sorry that was related to my spiritual awakening. LOL
The guard got a slightly upset, but the inmate told me I could have saved the food and eaten it later. Sage advice as my body went hungry. Luckily, my soul was tied up with other matters--celebration really.
The time is now...
We all have a role to play on either side of the football.
There is more certainty in my mind today...I'm still processing and researching, learning--but things were set in motion long before this time. I can look back on my life and see this coming.
You think George Orwell was a fiction writer? lol- Well, he was a visionary.
But...what Orwell didn't count on was the fucking tenacity of one Bi-polar American.
More to follow...it's time for a road trip this weekend. Easter weekend...resurrecting some other life issues? lol
I'm still in London enjoying my freedom from the daily grind allowing me time for introspection. You know I was thinking tonight that my rumble with the Kern Valley Healthcare District...changed me--for the better--"The better to eat them with"... lol
The people running the hospital district probably don't realize that they created me in the first place. Had I had a satisfying experience within our healthcare district along with others, I would have gone home and rested. Never given them a second thought.
But as WE ALL NOW KNOW that's not what happened. LOL
One horribly painful adventure after another has given me some fucking confidence. I mean really, do any of you fuckers know of anyone else who they could do this to and have them get back up and smile right in their fucking faces?
No you don't. I'm an original mutherfuckers. (however, there is likely someone else out there with these same caustic qualities who may not be as nice as me--yeah, I know what you're thinking.)
You can Narcan me- make me squeal like a pig-and when I finally stop hallucinating--I fucking come back, shake your hand and take up my position as local Beefeater. Someone has to guard the health and well being of others.
And life stepped in and hit me with it's hammer which hardly deterred me or none of my friends would be concerned. I think we all know where I'm going with this confidence (see post title). However, it will be done my way.
I love the people who have come together to occupy, but I've been thinking on this for a long time, and I will have to step out on a limb and do it the "Bi-polar reporter way." It's who I fucking became through all these incredible tests.
The world needs a bad ass like me right about now. And I appear to have taken some torture this last time around at KVHD. These people played a role in our collective drama, as I needed to be put to the test where I would NEVER fucking fear anything again.
Thanks pussies.
This makes me quite scary...
Yes, people who are on the side which has overwhelmed the sense of balance in the world, (nothing more or less, let's not get too caught up in the evil paradigm) --it takes a certain kind of person, bi-polar, to tackle the conundrum.
Other people would rather compromise. Me--not so much.
There's an imbalance which will need correcting so our earth isn't overwhelmed. That's why certain people such as myself, as I'm only one of many, who have woken up-- are paying attention--and for fuck's sake actually DO SOMETHING.
When did the people in Nazi Germany decide to take action? How many people died--suffered--while everyone was politically correct and trying to be respectful- accommodating?
We can't risk the whole planet, can we?
Most people who have been ahead of their time are often in danger as the rest of the world isn't necessarily ready for the kind of shift that will be taking place. Today is no different, except that we have come to a rather final place: we can and will destroy ourselves if some major change does not occur.
I'm up to the task
Having gone thru madness--one trial after another my life required I learn--and rapidly.
When I discovered the hospital's administrative charade which used my good will to try and obtain a tax measure on the community in the valley--the unnecessary killing and drugging of elderly patients--an attempt to buy me off then a subsequent attack when that didn't work.
I learned about fear.
I was attacked by a rapist, so I learned what rape is about--the violence. I also learned I could match that violence and even one up the attacker.
I hit a bathtub with my head. I learned about life as opposed to death. It may have appeared as free choice, but that was a set up as I did not want to leave and be bored...or not be here right now.
Ten days later I stroked out, had a speech problem. I still managed to call the former CEO of KVHD and tell her the reckoning would be delayed, with only half my face operating. But I mentioned it would not stop me.
And it didn't.
The end of 2010 I had the great displeasure slamming my car door on my face during a KVHD meeting. Of course, I covered the meeting even with blood trickling down my face, unaware I had broken a tooth and damaged a second one.
I learned that I do stay focused...on certain things. lol
This lead to the use of more pain killers and subsequently several bouts of Bradycardia, or slow heart rate, like 29 beats per minute.
It also opened an opportunity for a certain asshole medical director to hit me with Narcan while I was full of opiates. This was done in a shady manner, they did not tell me they were doing this...nor was it done correctly.
I call it a doctor induced death experience as I have never felt that kind of pain. My favorite grandparents, who are dead, were at my bedside for the adventure. While I had a sensation of being cold, or freezing, starting from my chest down, I did think I was dead or dying.
The Narcan was followed by tremendous hallucinations. Mostly skulls, some were dancing with top hats, while others were in tuxedos. Fucking insane.
My life was saved by a lot of different events and people. There was so much energy to keep me going, but not only that--to help me transcend and get stronger.
I learned to laugh and own the pain.
I had a gun pointed at me, along with a very direct death threat allowed to remain published on the Kern Valley Sun (burnt), local newspaper website requesting that "someone take her out."
It did nothing but make me bristle. I told my would be killers via my blog that if they were going to shoot me they had better fucking do it right. "Wing me and you will fucking only piss me off," I wrote.
However, I did learn that some people are sleepwalkers who have no social conscience.
Then...November came last year and I could no longer take the doctor dope, nor be controlled by the drugs.
I got royally angry, foaming at the mouth mad when my doctor had me sign paperwork which she misrepresented. Then the following day my pain management doctor decided I was too early on my prescription.
My anger surged to a point that I blacked out.
I learned that I can get so angry that I can't even remember.
The whole mess seemed too much to handle, and I wanted to be dead. One thing lead to another and paramedics and police were hauling me out of my house.
I now remember why I got scared and ran to a church across from the hospital seeking harbor. The faith less people at the church sent me on my way as they didn't want to deal with a "fugitive from justice" as I was being called.
Read this blog from November 8, 2011 on and you will know what I learned from that.
Things fucking change, don't they?
It's time for me to be who I am in every single respect. At the bottom of my core I feel a tumultuous rumble of change throughout my whole being.
My faith has become strong. The universe is my cartographer, mapping out my every move. I feel very much in touch with each and every lesson.
I clearly remember the moment I woke up in jail. lol
A tray of weenies and beans came to me thru the door and I pushed it back out the door-- food dropping to the floor--much to the shock of one guard-- I was so excited to suddenly know!
But a message arrived at that moment: "Allow everyone to have their own experience."
Meaning: Don't try to change how they perceive me and the world.
I quickly apologized to the female guard and the inmate who was helping her. They both looked shocked, so I tried to play down the reason I did what I did. Oops, sorry that was related to my spiritual awakening. LOL
The guard got a slightly upset, but the inmate told me I could have saved the food and eaten it later. Sage advice as my body went hungry. Luckily, my soul was tied up with other matters--celebration really.
The time is now...
We all have a role to play on either side of the football.
There is more certainty in my mind today...I'm still processing and researching, learning--but things were set in motion long before this time. I can look back on my life and see this coming.
You think George Orwell was a fiction writer? lol- Well, he was a visionary.
But...what Orwell didn't count on was the fucking tenacity of one Bi-polar American.
More to follow...it's time for a road trip this weekend. Easter weekend...resurrecting some other life issues? lol
bipolar american occupying London,
Sunday, October 14, 2012
Weapons of mass irritation....and more
I've discussed the phenomena on this blog, the "invisible influences" which exist to persuade us to "give up" sell ourselves, ignore our wisdom, our conscience, etc.
Now, let's give a name to the "THEY" the "them" the "attackers" "Oppressors" and so forth, let us refer to them collectively on this blog as:"The Enemies of Fun and Chocolate."
There is not much more we can say about any one or thing that would attack, oppress, or deceive but mostly irritate the hell out of us.
Reading info on the internet I see the most "interesting" articles nowadays. lol
A debt of gratitude goes out to those brave souls willing to speak the best truth possible while enduring massive attacks on their ability to function physically or mentally or financially in this part of the world.
Having been experiencing a lot of these attacks, one a real bizarre episode, I know to endure these skirmishes with a sneaky adversary only gathers crucial data. And it makes us stronger if we don't expect to win each and every battle.
Stay in it to win it, the whole war.
I truly appreciate personally what has happened to others. It has helped me immensely to hear other stories told in many ways.
Silence at my house is the LOUDEST din you can imagine. lol I can hardly handle the sounds, the creaks of the house right at a moment attempting to concentrate on WRITING or thinking. "Pop" and the thought slips my mind.
There is a constant hum, which varies, but it accompanies a high pitched noise, and it is varied in intensity. But it is amazingly loud to me. During those supposedly QUIET moments, listen to it, what do you hear? It maybe weapons of mass irritation against our ears and senses.
We are apparently, seemingly, as I like to conjecture with out too much concretizing of material, face weapons of such as harassment with Sound Waves, microwaves, which is discussed on the website shown at the end of this post.
My situation will be discussed more, as I can relax into the position, allow more "focus" on what I write, taking a better second of third look can help me. Sorry that it's been so erratic, but I have had some serious static, and not just on my phone either.
Yes, writing has been a STRUGGLE at best, and I can laugh when I begin to RECOGNIZE the struggle to contain my OPEN mind continues on as well. lol
But there is a problem with the food supply which has been obvious for a while. It's poison, or it has been STRIPPED of it's nutritional value, or it's addictive like crack.
Also,Water is a murky proposition, with pharmaceuticals found in quantities that could alter our thinking and behavior. Other unknown substances are in the water we use for our showers, on our toothbrushes, to clean our hands and food.
The list is huge the resources a government has against it's people.
Usually it's limited to people with open minds, or other interesting backgrounds, who catch the attention of these cowardly connivers. But all of us have been brainwashed to some degree or another. Some are under one form of attack all the time. President Obama now authorized the government to take over the bank accounts of ""persons of interest."
Add that to his legislation on Marshal law, the FEMA camps being prepared, and the Patriot act, and we got ourselves a way to shut people up and lock them down.
Right now, it's about attacking your reputation, making someone look bad, or other methods, but that will likely escalate as more people are awake and angry that there is no breakfast. lol HELLO CRUEL WORLD!
Horse to the stable
I must add that I feel more grounded to openly speak and accept hard truths then when I tried to fit my former "paradigm of reality" into the mainstream of life. It never worked. lol
It appears I stood out from the crowd. A sore thumb.
Though I may have had to stumble, drool, and appear unsteady, the lesson was not lost. Nor am I, nor are you.
In an attempt to mitigate my position in life, I"m Giving myself some credit, not allowing depression to rule the roost, building up a tolerance or sharpening my FOCUS on the moments, all of this to help my continued and everlasting rebellion.
Humor helps a lot, it's funny sometimes, all of it. It may not be medicine, but humor helps the bitter pill go down a bit easier when I can laugh. Or sometimes I dedicate an hour to singing or crooning to animal friends, to lighten up. Whatever I can do to enjoy the clouds while the rain soaks me, I do it.
From the Rabbit hole in the wall gang. Laura Hart your friend in truth.
Here's an excerpt from a writer who has posted some very alarming information, but the SAME stuff others are posting.
The writer, uses the same abstract "they" to describe the oppressive force working constantly against us. They are more graphic in their description of these as attackers if you read more, but I won't disagree with that characterization.
Website address.
Concentrate on things that really matter, make a plan with what you want to achieve. Your attackers will want to block you, they will try to change your focus, wear you out. Do not waste energy by reacting to what these idiots do. Smile and do your thing. If you have to start your central heating ten times a day, then start it eight times. If they hack your computer, then try having it fixed by a friend, try another computer, try other ways, may be you can use the internet to do the things you want. They want you to spend days on repairing your computer, while may be nothing is wrong with it. In general always have a backup plan, other things to do that also must be done that day, that week, that month. If you do them now, then you won’t have to do them tomorrow!
Now, let's give a name to the "THEY" the "them" the "attackers" "Oppressors" and so forth, let us refer to them collectively on this blog as:"The Enemies of Fun and Chocolate."
There is not much more we can say about any one or thing that would attack, oppress, or deceive but mostly irritate the hell out of us.
Reading info on the internet I see the most "interesting" articles nowadays. lol
A debt of gratitude goes out to those brave souls willing to speak the best truth possible while enduring massive attacks on their ability to function physically or mentally or financially in this part of the world.
Having been experiencing a lot of these attacks, one a real bizarre episode, I know to endure these skirmishes with a sneaky adversary only gathers crucial data. And it makes us stronger if we don't expect to win each and every battle.
Stay in it to win it, the whole war.
I truly appreciate personally what has happened to others. It has helped me immensely to hear other stories told in many ways.
Silence at my house is the LOUDEST din you can imagine. lol I can hardly handle the sounds, the creaks of the house right at a moment attempting to concentrate on WRITING or thinking. "Pop" and the thought slips my mind.
There is a constant hum, which varies, but it accompanies a high pitched noise, and it is varied in intensity. But it is amazingly loud to me. During those supposedly QUIET moments, listen to it, what do you hear? It maybe weapons of mass irritation against our ears and senses.
We are apparently, seemingly, as I like to conjecture with out too much concretizing of material, face weapons of such as harassment with Sound Waves, microwaves, which is discussed on the website shown at the end of this post.
My situation will be discussed more, as I can relax into the position, allow more "focus" on what I write, taking a better second of third look can help me. Sorry that it's been so erratic, but I have had some serious static, and not just on my phone either.
Yes, writing has been a STRUGGLE at best, and I can laugh when I begin to RECOGNIZE the struggle to contain my OPEN mind continues on as well. lol
But there is a problem with the food supply which has been obvious for a while. It's poison, or it has been STRIPPED of it's nutritional value, or it's addictive like crack.
Also,Water is a murky proposition, with pharmaceuticals found in quantities that could alter our thinking and behavior. Other unknown substances are in the water we use for our showers, on our toothbrushes, to clean our hands and food.
The list is huge the resources a government has against it's people.
Usually it's limited to people with open minds, or other interesting backgrounds, who catch the attention of these cowardly connivers. But all of us have been brainwashed to some degree or another. Some are under one form of attack all the time. President Obama now authorized the government to take over the bank accounts of ""persons of interest."
Add that to his legislation on Marshal law, the FEMA camps being prepared, and the Patriot act, and we got ourselves a way to shut people up and lock them down.
Right now, it's about attacking your reputation, making someone look bad, or other methods, but that will likely escalate as more people are awake and angry that there is no breakfast. lol HELLO CRUEL WORLD!
Horse to the stable
I must add that I feel more grounded to openly speak and accept hard truths then when I tried to fit my former "paradigm of reality" into the mainstream of life. It never worked. lol
It appears I stood out from the crowd. A sore thumb.
Though I may have had to stumble, drool, and appear unsteady, the lesson was not lost. Nor am I, nor are you.
In an attempt to mitigate my position in life, I"m Giving myself some credit, not allowing depression to rule the roost, building up a tolerance or sharpening my FOCUS on the moments, all of this to help my continued and everlasting rebellion.
Humor helps a lot, it's funny sometimes, all of it. It may not be medicine, but humor helps the bitter pill go down a bit easier when I can laugh. Or sometimes I dedicate an hour to singing or crooning to animal friends, to lighten up. Whatever I can do to enjoy the clouds while the rain soaks me, I do it.
From the Rabbit hole in the wall gang. Laura Hart your friend in truth.
Here's an excerpt from a writer who has posted some very alarming information, but the SAME stuff others are posting.
The writer, uses the same abstract "they" to describe the oppressive force working constantly against us. They are more graphic in their description of these as attackers if you read more, but I won't disagree with that characterization.
Website address.
Concentrate on things that really matter, make a plan with what you want to achieve. Your attackers will want to block you, they will try to change your focus, wear you out. Do not waste energy by reacting to what these idiots do. Smile and do your thing. If you have to start your central heating ten times a day, then start it eight times. If they hack your computer, then try having it fixed by a friend, try another computer, try other ways, may be you can use the internet to do the things you want. They want you to spend days on repairing your computer, while may be nothing is wrong with it. In general always have a backup plan, other things to do that also must be done that day, that week, that month. If you do them now, then you won’t have to do them tomorrow!
Saturday, October 13, 2012
The Buzz....snippets of internet info
don't expire...
Being ever suspicious of big pharma, I have always doubted those one year expiration dates on prescription drugs and also the limited expiration period on over the counter drugs. For heaven’s sake, anyone in the military or emergency responder business knows that outdated drugs exist and are used on an everyday basis.
Along these lines, yesterday I received an email from my friend Joe Alton aka Dr. Bones of www.doomandbloom.net. He has just written a new article citing new evidence on the bogus nature of expiration dates on drugs. Given the implications for every prepper who is storing medical supplies
By Gaye Levy White Owl Conspiracy
TRails in the Sky over Weldon, CA
The Swiss Federal Institute (SFI) in Zurich released a study entitled “The Network of Global Corporate Control” that proves a small consortiums of corporations – mainly banks – run the world. A mere 147 corporations which form a “super entity” have control 40% of the world’s wealth; which is the real economy. These mega-corporations are at the center of the global economy. The banks found to be most influential include:
• Barclays
• Goldman Sachs
• JPMorgan Chase & Co
• Vanguard Group
• Deutsche Bank
• Bank of New York Melon Corp
• Morgan Stanley
• Bank of America Corp
• Société Générale
However as the connections to the controlling groups are networked throughout the world, they become the catalyst for global financial collapse.
By Susan Posel "Occupy corporatism"
Before the Big BAil out....Someone asked questions
"The $700 bailout bill is being driven by fear not fact. This is too much money, in too short of time, going to too few people, while too many questions remain unanswered. Why aren't we having hearingsWhy aren't we considering any other alternatives other than giving $700 billion to Wall Street? Why aren't we passing new laws to stop the speculation which triggered this? Why aren't we putting up new regulatory structures to protect the investors? Why aren't we directly helping homeowners with their debt burdens? Why aren't we helping American families faced with bankruptcy? Isn't time for fundamental change to our debt-based monetary system so we can free ourselves from the manipulation of the Federal Reserve and the banks? Is this the US Congress or the Board of Directors of Goldman Sachs?"
Rep. Dennis Kucinich
TrapWire already ensnares us...
Every few seconds, data picked up at surveillance points in major cities and landmarks across the United States are recorded digitally on the spot, then encrypted and instantaneously delivered to a fortified central database center at an undisclosed location to be aggregated with other intelligence. It’s part of a program called TrapWire and it's the brainchild of the Abraxas, a Northern Virginia company staffed with elite from America’s intelligence community. The employee roster at Arbaxas reads like a who’s who of agents once with the Pentagon, CIA and other government entities according to their public LinkedIn profiles, and the corporation's ties are assumed to go deeper than even documented.....
News of the widespread and largely secretive installation of TrapWire comes amidst a federal witch-hunt to crack down on leaks escaping Washington and at attempt to prosecute whistleblowers. Thomas Drake, a former agent with the NSA, has recently spoken openly about the government’s Trailblazer Project that was used to monitor private communication, and was charged under the Espionage Act for coming forth. Separately, former NSA tech director William Binney and others once with the agency have made claims in recent weeks that the feds have dossiers on every American, an allegation NSA Chief Keith Alexander dismissed during a speech at Def-Con last month in Vegas.
By Valerie Hache
Failed to launch Sir-veil-ance program
What does this tell you about Bush's warrantless NSA surveillance program, other than he violated our civil liberties and the FISA statute for nothing?
Being ever suspicious of big pharma, I have always doubted those one year expiration dates on prescription drugs and also the limited expiration period on over the counter drugs. For heaven’s sake, anyone in the military or emergency responder business knows that outdated drugs exist and are used on an everyday basis.
Along these lines, yesterday I received an email from my friend Joe Alton aka Dr. Bones of www.doomandbloom.net. He has just written a new article citing new evidence on the bogus nature of expiration dates on drugs. Given the implications for every prepper who is storing medical supplies
By Gaye Levy White Owl Conspiracy
TRails in the Sky over Weldon, CA
The Swiss Federal Institute (SFI) in Zurich released a study entitled “The Network of Global Corporate Control” that proves a small consortiums of corporations – mainly banks – run the world. A mere 147 corporations which form a “super entity” have control 40% of the world’s wealth; which is the real economy. These mega-corporations are at the center of the global economy. The banks found to be most influential include:
• Barclays
• Goldman Sachs
• JPMorgan Chase & Co
• Vanguard Group
• Deutsche Bank
• Bank of New York Melon Corp
• Morgan Stanley
• Bank of America Corp
• Société Générale
However as the connections to the controlling groups are networked throughout the world, they become the catalyst for global financial collapse.
By Susan Posel "Occupy corporatism"
Before the Big BAil out....Someone asked questions
"The $700 bailout bill is being driven by fear not fact. This is too much money, in too short of time, going to too few people, while too many questions remain unanswered. Why aren't we having hearingsWhy aren't we considering any other alternatives other than giving $700 billion to Wall Street? Why aren't we passing new laws to stop the speculation which triggered this? Why aren't we putting up new regulatory structures to protect the investors? Why aren't we directly helping homeowners with their debt burdens? Why aren't we helping American families faced with bankruptcy? Isn't time for fundamental change to our debt-based monetary system so we can free ourselves from the manipulation of the Federal Reserve and the banks? Is this the US Congress or the Board of Directors of Goldman Sachs?"
Rep. Dennis Kucinich
TrapWire already ensnares us...
Every few seconds, data picked up at surveillance points in major cities and landmarks across the United States are recorded digitally on the spot, then encrypted and instantaneously delivered to a fortified central database center at an undisclosed location to be aggregated with other intelligence. It’s part of a program called TrapWire and it's the brainchild of the Abraxas, a Northern Virginia company staffed with elite from America’s intelligence community. The employee roster at Arbaxas reads like a who’s who of agents once with the Pentagon, CIA and other government entities according to their public LinkedIn profiles, and the corporation's ties are assumed to go deeper than even documented.....
News of the widespread and largely secretive installation of TrapWire comes amidst a federal witch-hunt to crack down on leaks escaping Washington and at attempt to prosecute whistleblowers. Thomas Drake, a former agent with the NSA, has recently spoken openly about the government’s Trailblazer Project that was used to monitor private communication, and was charged under the Espionage Act for coming forth. Separately, former NSA tech director William Binney and others once with the agency have made claims in recent weeks that the feds have dossiers on every American, an allegation NSA Chief Keith Alexander dismissed during a speech at Def-Con last month in Vegas.
By Valerie Hache
Failed to launch Sir-veil-ance program
The Baltimore Sun has an expose of the failure of the National Security Agency's trailblazer program.
A program that was supposed to help the National Security Agency pluck out electronic data crucial to the nation's safety is not up and running more than six years and $1.2 billion after it was launched, according to current and former government officials. The classified project, code-named Trailblazer, was promoted as the NSA's state-of-the-art tool for sifting through an ocean of modern-day digital communications and uncovering key nuggets to protect the nation against an ever-changing collection of enemies.
....Its main goal when it was launched in 1999 was to enable NSA analysts to connect the 2 million bits of data the agency ingests every hour ....The NSA initiative, which was designed to spot and analyze such hints, has resulted in little more than detailed schematic drawings filling almost an entire wall, according to intelligence experts familiar with the program. After an estimated $1.2 billion in development costs, only a few isolated analytical and technical tools have been produced, said an intelligence expert with extensive knowledge of the program. ...Trailblazer is "the biggest boondoggle going on now in the intelligence community," said Matthew Aid, who has advised three recent federal commissions and panels that investigated the Sept. 11 intelligence failures.Consider the failure of the agency to pick up on more than 30 hits related to the September 11 attacks before they happened. And that this is the agency that Bush picked in 2001 to monitor Americans communicating with those overseas believed to be tied to Al Qaeda.
What does this tell you about Bush's warrantless NSA surveillance program, other than he violated our civil liberties and the FISA statute for nothing?
mind control,
Monday, October 1, 2012
From Rabbit Hole Entertainment: Spin it and WIN it!
Spin it and WIN it!
We have spoken of \all these darn obSTicles, but what about the AL CHEMy, we don’t see?
I look for the tRUTH OF it, then the uncouth of it, then I REAL EYES, what is UP is Down.
There is LITtle in this life, Stuart, so you may EN JOY the ugly, and make it go away.
My friends, animaLS of some Repute, have reaped the REAl REWards card as they are recipients of My playful, loving charisMa, they get Happied up.
Then they Happily put the happy dust on me too.
Good Deal, out of a bad hand, of card sharks.
Take the Bite of a Shark’s tooth.
Last moment, cRUNCh time, Captain, is the time for you to GRAB hold. Let Go, let go, let go, Grab it Rabbit, it’s there in the HOLE as your pole, so dance on it.
In my hospital from hell scenario, NO Pain too large, as I was Enlarged in pain, LAST MOMENT: Thought of the pain of the whole world, children starving in pain hunger, tortured, the used, the raped, the pain of our collective souls.
It was in that moment I gave myself to this pain.
Experienced the Globe of pain. Angels held me that night, I don’t FORGET.
On a plane, a sudden outbreatk of HEAT so hot, that our tiny propeller plane in Vegas Or Phoenix, got suffocating, as I was Sandwiched, the middle seat, the WAVES of hot REACTIONs, then SUDDENLY: I was going to TAKE over the plane and kick in the DOOR.
LOL (Fucking crazy stuff)
LAST minute, Stop, Think OPPOSITE: ICE
It was sNOWING on my mountain of the WORLD, bringing True Relief to my HEAT stroke. Lol
Quickly, the Captain of the Baby plane, turned the AC on. WE all breathed a sigh, and I secreted away into my WINTER WONDERLAND.
Nobody, but you, knew any better what had happened. I DID. I learned, and earned my own control, I can and DO control.
Over the Atlantic,
Rocking in my seat, angry, Writing my thoughts, and my posture, READ by other passengers, made the PLANE fill with disAGREEABLe energy.
It was Intense, and I again, last minute, no drugs to RELY on, I got really focused and umm, NICE. I was pleasant, looked to help disturbed folks, and dis engage others too nosy.
I put jackets on old men, had some food service adventures, and made the better of it.
SPIN IT and WIN IT friends. Go Nice, and Do NOT let anything or any one, any REMARK Stop you. Lol
Laugh it off, drugs are QUESTIONABLe. Remedy me this?
You think you have No power, confused?
You are powerful, mucho, alotto, so rest in that for a while. The more the Panic, the more the attack, the MORE you ARE.
Wasting dirty tricks, dung dirt cheap, on the weak of heart, is a peasy -easy endeavor, so more is what the MORE get.
Spin it and WIN it.
Someone is awful, CheatS you, lies to you, what will you do?
Real eyes, knows that it’s THEM NOT you.
Trust Should be a MUST in our living Quarters. If you Cannot TRUST them, then TRUST your Self.
Best SELf.
The One Who is AFRAID, but Moves Forward anyway.
Courage is not loss of fear, it’s ACTING on your excellent Spirit in SPITE of the fear and confusion. Working it out, walking it off, laughing as it’s beyond you, you are ABOVE it all…
Food, Sex, vanity, all become WALLS, that a Rabbit Holo Cost survives by Baashing it down. Sledge Hammers, work best.
Survivors, Thrivers in a inhospitable environment. Sheriff Murphy, has law on the Slanted playing field, so It’ not your fault, line starts back in time.
But See the Sheriff, and Watch his Level control, which way the ball rolls, you ROLL with it. Murphy’s law, requires a Steady hand.
As a Friend in Truth spoke about, Viktor Frankl, the famed funny man of WWII concentration camps.
Humor, Crusts of BREAd, Bug soup, you had to BREak Free, and This Counselor the victim HIMself of a hellisher hell, counseled his friends, co mpanions.
Great Teacher, of TRiumPhing The Hideous with the Beauty, the Talent of the Real deal, YOU. Know who you are. And You are GIFTED.
Great Day to you Hats and Rabbits, the hole lot of you. lol
The hole in the Rabbit gang of Wallbangers. Laura Attlast
We have spoken of \all these darn obSTicles, but what about the AL CHEMy, we don’t see?
I look for the tRUTH OF it, then the uncouth of it, then I REAL EYES, what is UP is Down.
There is LITtle in this life, Stuart, so you may EN JOY the ugly, and make it go away.
My friends, animaLS of some Repute, have reaped the REAl REWards card as they are recipients of My playful, loving charisMa, they get Happied up.
Then they Happily put the happy dust on me too.
Good Deal, out of a bad hand, of card sharks.
Take the Bite of a Shark’s tooth.
Last moment, cRUNCh time, Captain, is the time for you to GRAB hold. Let Go, let go, let go, Grab it Rabbit, it’s there in the HOLE as your pole, so dance on it.
In my hospital from hell scenario, NO Pain too large, as I was Enlarged in pain, LAST MOMENT: Thought of the pain of the whole world, children starving in pain hunger, tortured, the used, the raped, the pain of our collective souls.
It was in that moment I gave myself to this pain.
Experienced the Globe of pain. Angels held me that night, I don’t FORGET.
On a plane, a sudden outbreatk of HEAT so hot, that our tiny propeller plane in Vegas Or Phoenix, got suffocating, as I was Sandwiched, the middle seat, the WAVES of hot REACTIONs, then SUDDENLY: I was going to TAKE over the plane and kick in the DOOR.
LOL (Fucking crazy stuff)
LAST minute, Stop, Think OPPOSITE: ICE
It was sNOWING on my mountain of the WORLD, bringing True Relief to my HEAT stroke. Lol
Quickly, the Captain of the Baby plane, turned the AC on. WE all breathed a sigh, and I secreted away into my WINTER WONDERLAND.
Nobody, but you, knew any better what had happened. I DID. I learned, and earned my own control, I can and DO control.
Over the Atlantic,
Rocking in my seat, angry, Writing my thoughts, and my posture, READ by other passengers, made the PLANE fill with disAGREEABLe energy.
It was Intense, and I again, last minute, no drugs to RELY on, I got really focused and umm, NICE. I was pleasant, looked to help disturbed folks, and dis engage others too nosy.
I put jackets on old men, had some food service adventures, and made the better of it.
SPIN IT and WIN IT friends. Go Nice, and Do NOT let anything or any one, any REMARK Stop you. Lol
Laugh it off, drugs are QUESTIONABLe. Remedy me this?
You think you have No power, confused?
You are powerful, mucho, alotto, so rest in that for a while. The more the Panic, the more the attack, the MORE you ARE.
Wasting dirty tricks, dung dirt cheap, on the weak of heart, is a peasy -easy endeavor, so more is what the MORE get.
Spin it and WIN it.
Someone is awful, CheatS you, lies to you, what will you do?
Real eyes, knows that it’s THEM NOT you.
Trust Should be a MUST in our living Quarters. If you Cannot TRUST them, then TRUST your Self.
Best SELf.
The One Who is AFRAID, but Moves Forward anyway.
Courage is not loss of fear, it’s ACTING on your excellent Spirit in SPITE of the fear and confusion. Working it out, walking it off, laughing as it’s beyond you, you are ABOVE it all…
Food, Sex, vanity, all become WALLS, that a Rabbit Holo Cost survives by Baashing it down. Sledge Hammers, work best.
Survivors, Thrivers in a inhospitable environment. Sheriff Murphy, has law on the Slanted playing field, so It’ not your fault, line starts back in time.
But See the Sheriff, and Watch his Level control, which way the ball rolls, you ROLL with it. Murphy’s law, requires a Steady hand.
As a Friend in Truth spoke about, Viktor Frankl, the famed funny man of WWII concentration camps.
Humor, Crusts of BREAd, Bug soup, you had to BREak Free, and This Counselor the victim HIMself of a hellisher hell, counseled his friends, co mpanions.
Great Teacher, of TRiumPhing The Hideous with the Beauty, the Talent of the Real deal, YOU. Know who you are. And You are GIFTED.
Great Day to you Hats and Rabbits, the hole lot of you. lol
The hole in the Rabbit gang of Wallbangers. Laura Attlast
Quotes from BOOK of Miracles...
still appears to cling to you, that you may reach them. Yet it has
stepped back. And it is not illusion that they hear you speak of, nor
illusion that you bring their eyes to look on and their minds to grasp.
Nor can the truth, which walks ahead of you, speak to them through
illusions, for the road leads past illusion now,
There is a way of living in the world that is not here, although it seems to be. You do not change appearance, though you smile more frequently. Your forehead is serene; your eyes are quiet. And the ones who walk the world as you do recognize their own. Yet those who have not yet perceived the way will recognize you also, and believe that you are like them, as you were before.
The world is an illusion. Those who choose to come to it are seeking for a place where they can be illusions, and avoid their own reality. Yet when they find their own reality is even here, then they step back and let it lead the way. What other choice is really theirs to make? To let illusions walk ahead of truth is madness. But to let illusion sink behind the truth and let the truth stand forth as what it is, is merely sanity.
There is a way of living in the world that is not here, although it seems to be. You do not change appearance, though you smile more frequently. Your forehead is serene; your eyes are quiet. And the ones who walk the world as you do recognize their own. Yet those who have not yet perceived the way will recognize you also, and believe that you are like them, as you were before.
The world is an illusion. Those who choose to come to it are seeking for a place where they can be illusions, and avoid their own reality. Yet when they find their own reality is even here, then they step back and let it lead the way. What other choice is really theirs to make? To let illusions walk ahead of truth is madness. But to let illusion sink behind the truth and let the truth stand forth as what it is, is merely sanity.
The Name of the Game is SHAME.
Shame ON you…
Shameful, that’s what it was….
Can you feel your own shame? It’s a CONDITION, a way to see and TRAP a Door a person may not be able to open.
WELL OPEN the door of SHAME, your HALL OF FAME shame, it’s a GAME. You can win, if you ACKNow lege your SIN.
Shame is not a FRAME of mind Inducing your out of th eb ox thought process. So, SET it up, a DATE with the FATE of having SHAMe.
Old Testament is a small testimony to the issue of SHAME. But it’s a QUESTion able story without a “metaphory” eye on the material, about our EVE. Of Destruction?
Open our Ayes, to the Shamebles of our lives. LOL
All around, particularly of a sexual nature. FiNANCE Shame, it is a perverse DEED indeed.
The CLASSES the Strata, the Layers of MISTAKEN ideas. Dollars and cents, we are worth a DAMN.
Shame Dams up our ReFLEXES, our muscles, cramping, and can be a mood dampening affair.
SHAME on you for not Being all you can be. But then Shame on us all for SHAME AT ALL…lol
From the Rabbit hole in the gang. Bangers. Laura ATtlast
Shame ON you…
Shameful, that’s what it was….
Can you feel your own shame? It’s a CONDITION, a way to see and TRAP a Door a person may not be able to open.
WELL OPEN the door of SHAME, your HALL OF FAME shame, it’s a GAME. You can win, if you ACKNow lege your SIN.
Shame is not a FRAME of mind Inducing your out of th eb ox thought process. So, SET it up, a DATE with the FATE of having SHAMe.
Old Testament is a small testimony to the issue of SHAME. But it’s a QUESTion able story without a “metaphory” eye on the material, about our EVE. Of Destruction?
Open our Ayes, to the Shamebles of our lives. LOL
All around, particularly of a sexual nature. FiNANCE Shame, it is a perverse DEED indeed.
The CLASSES the Strata, the Layers of MISTAKEN ideas. Dollars and cents, we are worth a DAMN.
Shame Dams up our ReFLEXES, our muscles, cramping, and can be a mood dampening affair.
SHAME on you for not Being all you can be. But then Shame on us all for SHAME AT ALL…lol
From the Rabbit hole in the gang. Bangers. Laura ATtlast
POSt TRip note 'eUrope 2012
Can I laugh a Lot and OUT loud, yes, now I can.
And if necessary the louder and more amused I seem to get.
BUT initially I have to endure what Could and Should be easy. I'm not a drug advocate, I tried that route, surgery too. some Radioactive material too. A handful of Ativan or Xanax for anyone on a 12 hour plane ride across the Atlantic, would be a Kind Gesture.
Lacking in TRust this PA pissed me off so I wrote down how pissed off I was about it, while in the throws of intensity, LIVE, on the scene report of my surge, and it's 0protector....
FROM Flight FROm EUrope back to STates, (Kind of pissed. Not too 'awake but startled nonetheless. LOL):
Up in the air:
What would it be like 39K feet up above the ocean with an unsettled bi-polar american on your airplane?
When I got ready to leave for this trip, I unfortunately had the great displeasure of going back to the renowned PA from Wofford Heights, Carol Sharp. Oh, yes, I’ve discussed her before.
She’s the one who had me sign a contract regarding pain killers and did not disclose that was what I was signing. I even went to the extent of asking her, as her behavior was suspicious, if this was what she told me it was.
It was not.
I’m thinking fondly of her right now as we cruise over the Atlantic as I’m not so lucky on this side of the trip, as I slept the whole 10 hour flight to London five weeks ago. I also got some drugs to put me out, as Miss not so sharp decided not to supply this bi-polar american with anti-anxiety medications.
Yes, she was uncomfortable and I was not in a mood to argue. Why was she uncomfortable? Because she’s an idiot. Yes.
But that’s not all of it. She has no idea that the decisions she makes leave people in a lurch or well off depending upon what she does.
Our effect on the world is important to realize and make not of. I try very hard to learn as much from experience as possible. Obviously, she does not.
She’s also one of the religious types, she needs structure. I have some fucking structure for this bitch when I return.
Okay, fair enough, I should give her a chance and just suggest to her that she consider that this bi-polar managed to not do anything too bad…a few cuss words, a few moments of despair- and it all could’ve been avoided had she listened to me and did not think she knew more about my needs that I do.
It’s so fucking arrogant and ridiculous.
Would she take responsibility if a bi-polar, not me, but someone who had not control, went off on a 10 hour flight? Fuck no.
That is why it is so important to understand the condition.
I’ll be Carol’s sharpner and help her out. How might I do this?
Well, I could get over my resistance to the fact that she had no circumspection when she disagreed that I might need some fucking pharmaceuticals for the trip.
I’m working diligently to try and define the problem I am having when these fucking idiots cannot even attempt to understand the workings of a true blue bi-polar.
The anger is great at this moment, I imagine my body language is reflective of this situation which puts me in danger on board this plane. This is directly related to Miss Sharp and her lack of understanding.
Does she have faith? No, she has religion. I’ve seen it all before. She is afraid and in her dealings with patients this is reflected.
I have a survey to do of the valley as to it’s healthcare district. I plan on having some people make some calls, and get a good cross representation. But the reason I won’t do it is that the people being asked would pick up my own attitude and that is not what I want.
I want results that are unadulterated so I’ll formulate a plan to make that happen.
And for the hell of it, at the same time I plan on asking some questions about the physicians and PA’s in the valley as well.
Opening ourselves up to criticism, feedback, we open ourselves up to change. Sharp is short on the change. She needs a wake up call as do many others around the town.
I plan on being the alarm that will go off until they get the message and arise from their slumber.
Once again, the bipolar american on a mission. Non-violent, but nonetheless dramatic.
Have a great day and make sure to wake up those not so in touch with the nature of our shared reality. Bark, bite, run amok, whatever is necessary to get these people out of their destructive behavior. (funny coming from someone so…umm, volatile. LOL
Foot Note...(metric version) I used the power of Good Will to tame my admirers or lack thereof on the airplane. It would have been nice to sleep, but then I would never had known. No coiinncidences.
Goodnight from the Rabbit hole in the wall gang. LAura Attlast...
And if necessary the louder and more amused I seem to get.
BUT initially I have to endure what Could and Should be easy. I'm not a drug advocate, I tried that route, surgery too. some Radioactive material too. A handful of Ativan or Xanax for anyone on a 12 hour plane ride across the Atlantic, would be a Kind Gesture.
Lacking in TRust this PA pissed me off so I wrote down how pissed off I was about it, while in the throws of intensity, LIVE, on the scene report of my surge, and it's 0protector....
FROM Flight FROm EUrope back to STates, (Kind of pissed. Not too 'awake but startled nonetheless. LOL):
Up in the air:
What would it be like 39K feet up above the ocean with an unsettled bi-polar american on your airplane?
When I got ready to leave for this trip, I unfortunately had the great displeasure of going back to the renowned PA from Wofford Heights, Carol Sharp. Oh, yes, I’ve discussed her before.
She’s the one who had me sign a contract regarding pain killers and did not disclose that was what I was signing. I even went to the extent of asking her, as her behavior was suspicious, if this was what she told me it was.
It was not.
I’m thinking fondly of her right now as we cruise over the Atlantic as I’m not so lucky on this side of the trip, as I slept the whole 10 hour flight to London five weeks ago. I also got some drugs to put me out, as Miss not so sharp decided not to supply this bi-polar american with anti-anxiety medications.
Yes, she was uncomfortable and I was not in a mood to argue. Why was she uncomfortable? Because she’s an idiot. Yes.
But that’s not all of it. She has no idea that the decisions she makes leave people in a lurch or well off depending upon what she does.
Our effect on the world is important to realize and make not of. I try very hard to learn as much from experience as possible. Obviously, she does not.
She’s also one of the religious types, she needs structure. I have some fucking structure for this bitch when I return.
Okay, fair enough, I should give her a chance and just suggest to her that she consider that this bi-polar managed to not do anything too bad…a few cuss words, a few moments of despair- and it all could’ve been avoided had she listened to me and did not think she knew more about my needs that I do.
It’s so fucking arrogant and ridiculous.
Would she take responsibility if a bi-polar, not me, but someone who had not control, went off on a 10 hour flight? Fuck no.
That is why it is so important to understand the condition.
I’ll be Carol’s sharpner and help her out. How might I do this?
Well, I could get over my resistance to the fact that she had no circumspection when she disagreed that I might need some fucking pharmaceuticals for the trip.
I’m working diligently to try and define the problem I am having when these fucking idiots cannot even attempt to understand the workings of a true blue bi-polar.
The anger is great at this moment, I imagine my body language is reflective of this situation which puts me in danger on board this plane. This is directly related to Miss Sharp and her lack of understanding.
Does she have faith? No, she has religion. I’ve seen it all before. She is afraid and in her dealings with patients this is reflected.
I have a survey to do of the valley as to it’s healthcare district. I plan on having some people make some calls, and get a good cross representation. But the reason I won’t do it is that the people being asked would pick up my own attitude and that is not what I want.
I want results that are unadulterated so I’ll formulate a plan to make that happen.
And for the hell of it, at the same time I plan on asking some questions about the physicians and PA’s in the valley as well.
Opening ourselves up to criticism, feedback, we open ourselves up to change. Sharp is short on the change. She needs a wake up call as do many others around the town.
I plan on being the alarm that will go off until they get the message and arise from their slumber.
Once again, the bipolar american on a mission. Non-violent, but nonetheless dramatic.
Have a great day and make sure to wake up those not so in touch with the nature of our shared reality. Bark, bite, run amok, whatever is necessary to get these people out of their destructive behavior. (funny coming from someone so…umm, volatile. LOL
Foot Note...(metric version) I used the power of Good Will to tame my admirers or lack thereof on the airplane. It would have been nice to sleep, but then I would never had known. No coiinncidences.
Goodnight from the Rabbit hole in the wall gang. LAura Attlast...
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